• Welcome to the forum.

  • If you find any bugs/glitches please report to a member of staff, thank-you.

12-31-2022, 07:46 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 03:26 AM by Iris.)
Current as of - January 1st, 2023
All rules are subject to change and admin interpretation
Rules are always missing, this doesn't mean you can break the ones we do not have listed yet.
Our Rules are based off of the Constitution, mainly the 4th Amendment, no illegal searches and seizures.

(Failure to do so will result in punishment.)

DrugRP General Rules
  1. Do NOT RDM, this means random deathmatch. You cannot kill someone, just to kill them, for the sake of killing. This is a roleplay server, not a team deathmatch.
    You are responsible for rebuying any lost entities after you break the above rule.
  2. Do NOT break NLR, or New Life Rule. When you die, do not return to your place of death for 5 minutes. You are roleplaying and starting a new life.
    You may return to your home or base after -
    • The murderer declares a raid is over
    • Admin has intervened and declared it okay
    • The murderer has left the server during the wait period
  3. ALL RAIDS must be /advert(ed) in chat. No exceptions, breaking in and killing without is RDM, we need to know when someone is raiding.
  4. During raids, all gang members must attend in some way and be present at the raid location. Gangs should work as one unit. 
  5. Do NOT abuse props, this means no prop pushing, spamming, surfing, and climbing.
  6. Do NOT disrespect fellow players or staff
    • No racism or hate to religions
    • Keep derogatory slurs to a minimum
    • You may swear, but do not abuse this privilege
  7. You MUST roleplay, if you aren't roleplaying, you shouldn't be in this server.
  8. Do NOT be a smart-ass or troll, especially with staff, we do not tolerate children like this.
    • We have no age requirement, but if you are young, you are expected to be mature.
  9. Do NOT mic spam, this includes any sound emitters and devices
  10. Do NOT use chain advert binds. /advert Raid|PD Raid|Mug|Kidnap|Carjack
  11. Do NOT raid for no reason. You cannot raid someone just for the sake of killing them. If you know they have nothing, leave them be.
  12. Counter-Raids may only be done by classes that can raid. This means no hobos, no doctors, no citizens etc. If you are unsure, ask a staff member! Also, keep in mind each classes have restrictions on gun ownership!
  13. Counter-Raids need to be adverted i.e. /advert Counterraid! Stop raiding or die! 
  14. Do NOT harass other players, of any sort.
  15. Do NOT persecute, or be hateful towards any race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or anything similar. We will personally escort you to a permanent ban, we do not tolerate this at all.
  16. Mugs must be adverted - /advert Mug! Drop $1,000 or die! You have ten seconds! You must give the person enough time to respond, and you must give an amount, no more than $2,000.
  17. Also, mugs have a cool down of 5 minutes, if you do two in this window, it is worthy of a kick or warn. Or, if you abuse it, you may be banned.
  18. Kidnaps may only be done by the kidnapper job! You must advert them!
    Example advert - /advert Kidnap! Come with me or die, if you run or pull a weapon, I will kill you! You cannot control their actions - (Unless there's two or more kidnappers). If your victim attempts to escape, or tries to fight back, you may kill them.
  19. You may NOT counter a counter-raid. They are helping the person and you can only stop them if you live there. That is not a counter raid though.
  20. Do not interact with AFK players if they have not used /afk. This means you do not zip tie them, pickpocket them, or anything else in that fashion.

Building Rules
  1. You may NOT build on the street, unless you are a hobo/king. Hobos may not obstruct roads or buildings
  2. Block off an entire section of the map, obstructing roads. Admins will remove this.
  3. Own more than 2 buildings, your gang members can own nearly buildings and co-own with you.
  4. Build entrances with constraints that can kill or hurt, they must be passed by an admin, if they can cause damage or kill they'll be removed unless fixed. If they kill one person, this is banable
  5. Important One fading door per purchasable door.
  6. Only ONE fading door in a row, putting 2 or more in a row is going to get you banned.
  7. Do not build a base where you open a fading door to get to another fading door, fading doors lead to rooms not more fading doors.
  8. You may not use a key bind or key to open a door and kill someone, you must use a holding button or keypad, to have a fair time window. This is a half day ban minimum.
  9. Fading doors must be a minimum of 4 seconds to allow entry of multiple people! Admins can see the times you set!
  10. If an admin finds a propblock, especially during a raid, he may remove it and allow the raid to continue.
  11. If you ARE IN THE PROCESS if building, you must of a sign of some sort declaring this.
  12. If we find you are holding a sign up with active fading doors, you may be punished.
  13. Only CP and Mayor may build in the PD, if protests are happening, you may not bring it inside the PD, this is arrest able and punishable if blocking doors and movement.
  14. Do NOT build entrances with head traps, causing players to crouch and be ultimately vulnerable. This is an instant perm ban. No exceptions. This is completely unfair.
  15. Do NOT build elevated shooting towers that are not able to be shot back at.
  16. Do NOT stack fading doors, they must be spread out. You cannot have five fading doors in a row, even if you have the proper number of ownable doors. Spread out your fading doors, or have them removed.
  17. No hidden keypads, this includes making them invisible, hiding them behind props, or in a cupboard.
  18. No decoy keypads as well.
  19. Keypads are direct, this means no fading doors, to open a fading door for a keypad and so on.  
  20. You MUST have a keypad linked to every fading door. Even if players can lockpick fading doors, this is a needed indicator showing where your fading door is.
  21. You may NOT have killboxes. (An example of a killbox-  not make the raiders blind, expose a small part of their bodies, i.e. feet. May not make the player crouch, may not give an unfair advantage to the home owner.)
  22. You may also not have forced crouching paths, they are unfair
  23. You may also not have shooting holes or cracks, this can/will lead to a ban every time.
  24. You may not build on the sidewalk unless you're a hobo, admins will remove your props/ ban you.
  25. In order to base together, everyone must coown the front door, if you're not, then you are not living there.
  26. One way shooting props are outlawed, they'll lead to a ban. You may use one way visual props to see through, but not shoot through.
  27. Admins may only use noclip when building, WITH a building sign up. 
Needed Definitions:
1. Killbox - Any compressing area that forces 1 or more players into an unfair space, may not blind players, may not make them crouch, may not expose unfair body parts etc..

KOS Sign Rules

KOS/AOS Signs are allowed, but there are some restrictions:

1. You may not make anti-color/class signs. I.e. NO CRIPS Bad!
2. You may not make a sign saying no loitering, you cannot define how or what loitering is to someone. No anti-loitering signs, if they start to break in, you can kill them.
3. KOS Signs must be completely visible, and in English.
4. KOS Signs should have a defined area, so use a rope, or make it clear where you don't want someone to be.
5. You cannot KOS the sidewalks, they are sidewalks for christ sake.
6. You cannot KOS being annoying, the only you can kill for someone knock spamming on your door, after you've told them to stop, that shit is annoying.
7. If you honestly do pester someone to the point where it becomes harassment, don't KOS them, call an admin.

More to be added when needed. Do not abuse KOS signs.

Job Specific Rules

You are the most basic form of life. You should get a job. Citizens should be seen as the default class that is really just a "holder" job to have before getting an rp job.
This class CANNOT
Raid, of any kind. 

Gun Dealers
Your job is to sell gun. Simple, right?
This class may NOT
Raid, no exceptions, gun dealers sell guns.
Self Supply - Buy guns for yourself and switch jobs.

Heavy Gun Dealers
Your job is to sell gun. Simple, right?
This class may NOT
Raid, no exceptions, gun dealers sell guns.
Self Supply - Buy guns for yourself and switch jobs.

You are the leader or not only the people, but of the police force. A large part of your duties is keeping the economy up, and supplying your police with good equipment and training. You may defend your city in the event of immediate danger, i.e. Someone /adverts a PD Raid, you may defend the police department.
This class may NOT
Override rules with added laws. You'll be banned or removed from mayor, permanently. No one makes rules but us.
Make a base outside the PD, no exceptions.
Raid, for searches or anything else
Make completely ridiculous laws, or anything that shows persecution or a player, race, or job.
Allow random unwarranted weapon checks, without reason. If the PD has a metal detector and it goes red, they may search, but not Arrest on sight.
This is not 1942RP, you are not Hitler.  

Civil Protection - This applies to Officers, Chiefs, DEA and SWAT
You are the main fighting force against all crime. Listen to the mayor's commands and agenda.
You are NOT
Above the law
Able to use the kill feed or hit notification as evidence, leading to arrest. You need to see this firsthand.
Randomly weapon check.  Cops may only weapon check if given consent, or they have a warrant.
Also, cops may weapon check with a metal detector set up in PD, and it goes red. THIS DOES NOT MEAN AOS 
Abuse your stunstick, this is punishable
Randomly arrest people, after you arrest someone, provide a reason when asked 
Arrest when a weapon is out, larger than a pistol or automatic firing weapons, [unless mayor allows so with a gun license]
OCT 26 Arrest when someone is zip tying or pickpocketing another player
Kill someone when the CP or another player's life is in immediate danger. Attempt to have them put away the weapon, or arrest them first, if possible.
Break in to search, WITH WARRANT

Really, how can you screw this up?
You consult with the police force regarding bail, when terms come, your client should be released.
Break your client out of jail, you're not a criminal

DEA Agent (See civil protection)(VIP)
You are the main force for stopping drug deals. Listen to the mayor's commands and agenda.
You are NOT
Above the law
Able to use the kill feed or hit notification as evidence, leading to arrest. You need to see this firsthand.
Able to randomly weapon check someone.
Abuse your stunstick, this is punishable
Randomly arrest people, after you arrest someone, provide a reason when asked
You cannot build a "DEA HQ" outside the PD, stick to the pd people.
Arrest when a weapon is out, larger than a pistol
Break in to search, WITH WARRANT, you need clearcut visual evidence, not sound, not suspicion, you cannot climb to look into a house or look from another building, your evidence must be honest, and not violate the 4th Amendment.

Detective (Also CP)
You find evidence, and discover who committed crimes.
In the event
 it is self defense after killing someone, use /unwanted to remove the "wanted".
 a cop is made /wanted due to killing someone, use the command /unwanted on them to remove it.
This class can raid with other police after finding evidence of murder.

You are to heal people
Own a shop
Be mobile
You may NOT 
Base with criminal factions, this will get you banned from the job.

You are a trained killer, that is all you do, kill.
If you wish, you may /advert Hit Complete! But this is NOT required.
When hits are complete, there will be a notification saying "Hit by (player) compete", check for this before calling an admin for RDM. Police may not use this as evidence nor with the kill feed.
When you kill your target, you are liable after killing someone, and you can be arrested when a cop witnesses it.
Raid, only when you have confirmed your target is inside.
Use other guns than the sniper given.
Own property
Set up a hit station/shop
You may NOT
Steal anything from a raid

Meth Cook
You make drugs, and sell them.
If you need help making these drugs, contact someone in the server.
Own property
Own heavy weapons, you gotta protect the product right?
Work with other dealers
You may NOT
Raid, you deal drugs.
Mug, you deal drugs.

Black Market Dealers
Your job is to sell guns. Simple, right?
This class may NOT
Raid, no exceptions, gun dealers sell guns.
Self Supply - Buy guns for yourself and switch jobs.

Mafia Boss and Members
You are a gang member representing your Italian blood, defend your Italian brothers.
You do not kill other gangs just because they exist, war must be declared by one party and accepted by the other, using /advert.
Raid, anyone, and steal their stuff; you must wait 5 minutes in between raids. This gives people time to restart. Raid wait time is extended to 15 minutes for the same person. I.e. If you raid the PD, whether you fail or not, you must wait 15 minutes to reraid them.
Mug people, use /advert to announce you're mugging them. You must have a specified bind for mugging, no generalized binds. Max mug of 2k.
Purchase heavy weapons.
Assassinate the mayor, WITH valid reason.
You may NOT
Kidnap. This is why we have kidnappers.
Have any type of alliance with another gang. If you are basing with crips/bloods, you're getting punished for failrp.

Bloods Boss and Members
You do not kill other gangs just because they exist, war must be declared by one party and accepted by the other, using /advert.
Raid, anyone, and steal their stuff; you must wait 5 minutes in between raids. This gives people time to restart. Raid wait time is extended to 15 minutes for the same person. I.e. If you raid the PD, whether you fail or not, you must wait 15 minutes to reraid them.
Mug people, use /advert to announce you're mugging them. You must have a specified bind for mugging, no generalized binds. Max mug of 2k.
Purchase heavy weapons.
Assassinate the mayor, WITH valid reason.
As stated before, you cannot kill a crip just because he wears blue. Yes, you are rivals, but we are not a team deathmatch server.
You may NOT
Kidnap. This is why we have kidnappers.
Have any type of alliance with another gang. If you're basing with crips/mafia, you're getting punished for failrp.

Crips Boss and Member
You do not kill other gangs just because they exist, war must be declared by one party and accepted by the other, using /advert.
Raid, anyone, and steal their stuff; you must wait 5 minutes in between raids. This gives people time to restart. Raid wait time is extended to 15 minutes for the same person. I.e. If you raid the PD, whether you fail or not, you must wait 15 minutes to reraid them.
Mug people, use /advert to announce you're mugging them. You must have a specified bind for mugging, no generalized binds. Max mug of 2k.
Purchase heavy weapons.
Assassinate the mayor, WITH valid reason.
You may NOT
Kidnap. This is why we have kidnappers.
Have any type of alliance with another gang. If you're basing with bloods/mafia, you're getting punished for failrp.

Thief and Pro Thief
Steal stuff, right?
You are one of the ultimate criminals, you are the feared, and the hated
As a thief, you MAY
Raid, of course. /advert raid and break in using all your resources.
You may purchase heavy weapons
Raid time cool down is 15 minutes for the same person. Raiding the same person under 15 minutes is harassment.
Mug people, use /advert to announce you're mugging them. You must have a specified bind for mugging, no generalized binds. Max mug of 2k.
You may steal what you find.
You may NOT
Kidnap. This is why we have kidnappers.
Base with another faction, leave them to work with their gang members. But you may assist other gangs in raids.
OCT 26th You may not pickpocket AFK people, this can and will lead to a revocation of your donator privileges.
You can be killed for attempting to steal from someone.
Pickpockets do not need to be adverted, as they're meant to be silent, but you cannot pickpocket the same person within 15 minutes.

Get to the safe room!
You take people, and hold them for ransom. Do this by ex.
/advert Kidnap! 10000 for his freedom! Drop the money where I PM it.
Police can base your advert for warrants and wanted, you are calling on the police.
Max fee for hostages is 10k.
Own heavy weapons
Gag someone and also tie their hands. (Requires 2+ people.)
-You do not raid unless you're taking hostages. This means no PD raids.
OCT 26 The same rules apply with the addition of zip ties, you cannot use the zip tie alone. You can still kidnap, but you cannot utilize this by yourself. Do not tie AFK players or SoDs, this is an instant job ban or worse.

Cinema Manager
You're the manager of the theater.
Play videos for all to enjoy, sometimes take requests.
You may NOT
Raid, obviously.
Play videos with offensive content. You will be demoted and the video ended.

Hobo and Hobo King
Ick, that homeless thing again.
You are a hobo, you MAY
Build on the street, but not be obstructing the roads or doors.
Throw bug bait at people, but do not spam it, it will be taken from you by admins.
Ask for money.
Protect fellow Hobos and your Hobo Leader.
Hobos may NOT 
Own property, you are homeless..
Raid, seriously people? Why do we have to say this?
Spam bugbait, or shoes.
Throw bugbait or shoes without reason.
We shouldn't even need to say it, all it does is make the server less enjoyable when someone is spamming boots and bugbait at you.

Fight Club Manager and Members
Manager: create an underground fight club that people fight in, whilst having people bet on. Keep the fights inside your building.
Members: buy some bandages.
If cops witness a fight, they can arrest the two fighters, and force the club to close. Keep your doors closed! null
You may NOT
Raid, you don't need to.

Radio DJ
Play that funky music, white boy.
Play music, usually you'll take requests. If the majority of people do not like your song choice, change it or face demotion.
You may NOT
Raid, obviously.
Play extremely explicit music, with derogatory/offensive slang.
Place radios in public areas.

Forum Rules
Do not spam, of any kind, this includes:
- Posts full of random gibberish
- Bumps
- Posting a multitude of threads, posts, or replies
- the shout box
All Spam is bannable.

Use FORMATS when required!
We will completely ignore your post if it is not done cleanly.
Seriously, formats are not meant to be difficult, and they aren't.

When requesting something, whether it's a promotion request, or demotion request, a ban request or unban request;
you should not post another thread unless deemed okay by an admin.

Admin Guidelines
Under Construction

Admins occasionally make mistakes, so we've drafted some guidelines. Do not use these to attack staff, but protect yourself if you feel an admin is taking advantage of their position. This is a rough draft started on April 15th by Manatee, if you feel something reasonable should be added, PM him and he'll consider it. Thank you, and please, be patient with this.

Please note: Use @ in game to contact staff, it's the quickest method, and the only one we appreciate when calling for an admin. Thank you.

Staff may only use no clip when 
[*]On Duty
[*]Building with a sign
[*]Addressing problems, in an admin sit or making their way to a sit,
[*]Or when stuck in map or props. 
(More situations may need to be added later)

Teleporting (Includes teleport, goto, bring, send, return, etc)
  • Staff should only teleport
  • When called, on duty or off duty, respond to calls. (Staff should only ignore them temporarily if they're handing something else, or in a situation of stress, like a gunfight or rp event.)
  • After being RDMed, after handling a situation and needing to return themselves or others

Banning, Kicking, Warning, and other Punishing tools
Staff will use it's best judgement to assign punishment based on how they've seen the degree of the offense. If they feel a long ban is needed, so be it. But staff needs to be reasonable. Staff should not permaban for small things such as bugbait spam or one rdm. There are exceptions, if you break rules against staff, punishment will be worse, and if you abuse even small rule breaks like bugbait spam, then it can lead to a long punishment. Threats against the server are easily permabans. Disrespecting staff or other players is an easy perma, depending on how the staff interprets it.

Other commands, jail, slap, ignite, gag, mute, etc

Mute and Gag
Staff MAY mute or gag someone spamming. No exceptions, your voice is a privilege, don't abuse it. Also, during sits, staff MAY gag or mute to allow one person to speak, but then needs to give the other person the same time to explain their side. If you spam mic or chat during a sit, we won't bother, we are hear to listen, not be bombarded with shouting.

Slap, Ignite, whip, other "fun categorized" commands
These are only available to higher staff and should be used sparingly, to assert small punishments.

Jail, tpjail, freeze
  • May be used during sits if needed
  • May be used to assign punishments with a set time, i.e. 500 seconds for punchwhoring
  • If you leave when frozen or jailed, you may be punished further.
You MAY NEVER use powers when staff is on and is active.
You are backup support if no staff is on, and someone needs help, that is the main reason you have basic access to some powers. You are given these because you are somewhat trusted and we appreciate your contribution to the server and community. BUT, if you are found to be abusing these powers, just like staff, you will have your access revoked, no refunds.
Worth emphasizing: VIPs may NOT teleport when staff is on, ever. If you need to teleport for some odd reason, well, no, you don't. You can walk. Teleporting for VIPs is only acceptable when no staff is on, and help is needed. If VIPs are found to abuse this access, it will be revoked.
05-18-2024, 03:25 AM, (This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 03:26 AM by Iris.)

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